Diablo 3 2.5 demon hunter leaderboard
Diablo 3 2.5 demon hunter leaderboard

Tumult (Main Hand) - Falling Sword now summons a storm of blades around it, continually damaging all nearby enemies, but can no longer be activated again for movement. Sivket's Advantage (Shoulders) - Draw and Quarter duration increased by 30%.Ĭavalier's Courtwear (Legs) - Draw and Quarter nwo damages enemies when you run over them and knocks them away, but it no longer drags enemies. Many-Eyed Aegis (Head) - Your Consecration now moves with you.īesieger (Chest) - Draw and Quarter periodically calls down a bombardment for 1424 damage to nearby enemies. Bonus: 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fireball-spitting Hydra. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to Immobilize your attacker.Ģ0 Intelligence, 15 Fortitude, 19 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to gain an absorption shield for 6 sec.ġ8 Strength, 15 Vitality, 20 Willpower. Bonus: 2% chance when attacked to Immobilize your attacker.ġ3 Strength, 18 Vitality, 16 Willpower.

diablo 3 2.5 demon hunter leaderboard

Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 sec.Ģ0 Strength, 20 Fortitude, 16 Willpower. The Remembered - Hammer of the Ancients now summons a Spirit of the Ancients who stuns all nearby enemies and then fights beside you for a while.Ĭharm - Undying Rage + 1, Whirlwind Rank +1, Sprint Rank +1.ġ6 Strength, 14 Vitality, 17 Fortitude. The Tempest (Main Hand) - Whirlwind radius increased, but Whirlwind movement speed reduced.

diablo 3 2.5 demon hunter leaderboard

Ymada's Cyclone (Shoulders) - Whirlwind damage increased by 10%.ĭetermination (Legs) - Furious Charge can now be charged up to increase its range and damage. The Gathering (Chest) - Whirlwind pulls in all enemies it damages. Berserker's Sanity (Head) - Wrath of the Berserker now also dispels effects which cause loss of control of your character.

Diablo 3 2.5 demon hunter leaderboard